Friday, September 7, 2012

VVYM One Day Youth Camp,Aug,12 Report


As part of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations,VISAKHAPATNAM VIVEKANANDA YUVA MAHAMANDAL conducted “One Day Youth Camp” on 26.08.2012,Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 P.M. at NSTL Community Hall,Visakhapatnam. Nearly 200 Campers attended the Camp from different corners and educational institutions in and around Visakhapatnam.

By 9.00 A.M. our Mahamandal Flag hoisting was done by Our ABVYM Orissa State Branch Secretary Sri B.R. SATPATI followed by Mahamandal Anthem and Swadesi Mantra. Jyothi Prajwalana was done by RK Mission Ashrama Swamijis Rev. Swami Garimanandaji and Swami Nitya Yoganandaji Maharaj.
Welcome address was given by Sri D.Venkatarao,Asst Secretary,VVYM who took special initiative for organising the camp.Swami Garimanandaji sang some songs on Swamiji with his Melodious Voice.Swami Nitya Yoganandaji spoke on “Manifesting the Inner Strength according to Swami Vivekananda”.


Sri C.Bhakar Sarma Garu(Director, Gayatri Women’s Engg College) shared his association with VVYM during his tenure as Professor of Andhra University Chemical Engg Department by way of gracing the Study Circle and NYD Celebrations.He advised students to inculcate value based education.

Afterwards Sri PSN Raju addressed and influenced the campers with his thought provoking lecture on “Our Motherland the Eternal Land”. Meanwhile to give mind relaxation our Former Balavihar member influenced the campers with his beautiful voice by presenting his songs on Swamiji.

Mr. Y.V. Tarak influenced the campers with power point presentation on “SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & SELF-DISICIPLINE”.

We arranged different experts to give message/group discussions on Right to Information Act(Sri K.Venkata Ramana),Orphanages(SriE.Venkatarao), Blood Donation/Eye Donation&Naturopathy(SriA.Visveswararao),Suryanamaskarams (Sri K.Mangapathi) .All the campers showed much enthusiasm to know about these concepts. The speakers are admirers of Swamiji and have not deviated from the camp purpose.All were given VVYM mementoes.

Finally our VVYM Founder & Former President Sri N.Lakshmi Narayana explained our Mahamandal Character Building Methods along with MIRACLE THAT OBEYS YOU & Self-Evaluation Chart.

We are happy to inform you that, after a gap of 17 years, our VVYM took a great project to publish VIVEK BHARATHI (TELUGU QUARTELY OF AP MAHAMANDAL) on this auspicious occasion and copies were distributed among all the campers.

The campers shared their camp experiences.
Swamiji Literature was given free of cost.
A bookstall on RK –SV literature was arranged by Sri PLN Rao Garu.
Sri D.Venkatarao and Chy Vinay(VVYM Members) were given mementoes for their active role in the camp

Finally Mahamandal Flag down was done by Sri B.R. SATPATI followed by Mahamandal Anthem and Swadesi Mantra.

Please go through the matter and advise accordingly and publish the same in our “Vivek Jivan”.

With regards and Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
