Thursday, December 26, 2019

NOTICE of 18th Vivek Voluntary Blood Donation Camp

Venue Location in Google Maps 
(please click on the link below)

18th Vivek
Voluntary Blood Donation Camp
Organized by
Visakhapatnam Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal
Blog: www., Ph: 9494926770, 9849811940, 8500309874

Occasion : Swami Vivekananda’s 158th birth anniversary.

Venue : Swami Vivekananda Mandapam, Sri Vyasam Sree Rama Murthy Prasanthi Spiritual Park, Muralinagar, VSP.

Date : 5th January, 2020 - Sunday & 08:00 AM – 01:00 PM

Blood Bank : A S Raja Voluntary Blood Bank

Instructions for the Blood Donors:

1. Age-limit: 18-60 years, Weight: Min 45Kgs, Hb : > 12.5%.
2. Diabetic patients can donate if they carry sugar report checked after 3rd January.
3. BP patients should come after taking BP tablet.
4. Gap after breakfast should be ½ hour and after lunch 1 hour.
5. Anti-biotic courses should have been stopped before 48 hrs.
6. We can donate blood once in every four months.
7. Donor card and a certificate will be given to the donors.

Conformation can also be given to email:;

It is only by doing good to others that one attains to one’s own good”
-Swami Vivekananda
If you wish to donate blood voluntarily please fill in the details and give back this portion.
E-mail ID:
Mobile No:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Volunteering on ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama

Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama had taken up Essay writing for college students on Swamiji
(Topic: They alone live who live for others) as part of Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Speech
125th anniversary. VVYM Members. Sri K. Lakshminarayana, Sri E.Govinda Raju,Sri
Ch.Appanna,Chy V.Yeswanth and Chy O.Bhargav Sai done the volunteer work covering
around 17 colleges. RK Mission gave special prizes and to the volunteers

Volunteering in 'Value Education Programme’ of RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ASHRAMA

an innovative project called ‘Value Education Programme’ in Schools and Colleges on the special occasion of 125th Year of Swami Vivekananda’s Historic speech at Chicago.

VVYM had participated in this noble project. Our New EC member Chy Hruday introduced it to us. One such value education program was organised on 27-7-2019 at Kendriya Vidyalaya School -2 (104 area) with the initiative of our EC member Sri Kaviti Lakshminarayana garu. Sri Suresh (our newly joined member) done volunteer work.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

New study circle started at Sri Ramakrishna Seva Samithi, Illispuram,Srikakulam.

VVYM Former President Sri M.Govindarao has started a new study circle on 22-9-2019
at Sri Ramakrishna Seva Samithi,Vamsadhra Project,Old Quarters,Illispuram,Srikakulam.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

A visit to Muralinagar Study Circle by Senior ABVYM member, Sri Prasanth Chakraborty

Senior ABVYM member Sri Prasanth Chakraborty is visiting Muralinagar Vivekananda Study Circle on 1st Sept, 2019,Sunday.Hence there will be a special study circle at 8 am.All possible members are requested to attend.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


A new study cirlce has been started at Amadalavalasa town(100 kms away from Visakhapatnam) in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh on 25.08.2019. The venue is Shri Ramakrishna Seva Sangam, Amadalavalasa .Sri Papi Naidu garu (Founder of the Sri Ramakrishna Seva Sangam) has given the permission to use the venue. Study circle started at 10.30 am. Sri N. Lakshminarayana(President,Visakhapatnam Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal(VVYM has explained the importance of character- building in today's world. Sri M. Govindrao(Former President,VVYM) has explained how Swami Vivekananda had changed his life and Chy P. V. Yeswanth who took the initiation to start the study circle explained the importance of Study circle.Chy K. Vidyadhar Singh, Secretary of VVYM spoke about Mental Concentration. Vivekananda His Call to the Nation and Values to Imbibe books were read in the study circle.Total 25 students,5 members of VVYM, 2 members of Srikakulam Sri Ramakrishna Seva Samithi and some members of Sri Ramakrishna Seva Sangam attended.'Values to Imbibe(Telugu)was given to the participants.The program went till 12.15 pm.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


          FREE EYE CAMP

 "Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama", "Visakhapatnam and Visakhapatnam Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal" jointly organised an EYE CAMP on 18-08-2019 from 9am-1pm at "Kallivanipalem Mandal Parishadh Primary School", Kallivanipalem, Bhimili Mandal, Visakhapatnam.

           Eye testing was done by doctors from Visakha Eye Hospital Trust, Visakha Eye Hospital. 79 members from Kallivanipalem and near by by villages attended for this program. 8 members are selected for the purpose of operation.

          Village representatives Sri Bangaru reddy, Suresh reddy,  Ramana reddy, Yerni babu, Ramakrishna mission representative Amaranath, Mahamandali representatives Somaraju, Lakshiminarayana, Vidyadhar singh, Appanna attended in this program



Friday, August 16, 2019


 à°‰à°šిà°¤ à°•ంà°Ÿి à°µైà°¦్à°¯ à°¶ిà°¬ిà°°ం

18-08-2019, ఆదిà°µాà°°ం à°‰ 9 à°—ంà°Ÿà°² à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°® 1 à°—ంà°Ÿ వరకు
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à°°ామకృà°·్à°£ à°®ిà°·à°¨్ ఆశ్à°°à°®ం, à°µిà°¶ాఖపట్à°¨ం
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à°¸ంà°ª్à°°à°¦ింà°šంà°¡ి: 9640335115, 9000810727, 9247272764.

మనం à°¸ుà°–ంà°—ా à°‰ంà°¡à°Ÿాà°¨ిà°•ి à°…à°¤్à°¯ంà°¤ à°¸ులభమైà°¨ à°®ాà°°్à°—ం ఇతరుà°²ు à°¸ుà°–ంà°—ా à°œీà°µింà°šేà°²ా à°šేయడమే!
-à°¸్à°µాà°®ి à°µిà°µేà°•ాà°¨ంà°¦


Friday, July 12, 2019

YouTube Link to view 6th Interstate Youth Training Camp

Visakhapatnam Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal(VVYM) has conducted the 6th Inter-State Youth Training Camp of Akhil Bharat Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal from Sept 7th to 9th,2018 at Ramakrishna Mission High School, Visakhapatnam in which 300 students and youth from 10 states participated. . The complete video coverage of 3days training camp was uploaded successfully and we request all the  brothers of Mahamandal and well wishers to view them and share it. The link is given.

6th Interstate Youth Training Camp-ABVYM:

Sunday, May 12, 2019

AGM 2019

E Govinda Raju, Retired Senior Investigator, Vizag Port(Former Vice Presient of VVYM)