Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama had taken up Essay writing for college students on Swamiji
(Topic: They alone live who live for others) as part of Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Speech
125th anniversary. VVYM Members. Sri K. Lakshminarayana, Sri E.Govinda Raju,Sri
Ch.Appanna,Chy V.Yeswanth and Chy O.Bhargav Sai done the volunteer work covering
around 17 colleges. RK Mission gave special prizes and to the volunteers
(Topic: They alone live who live for others) as part of Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Speech
125th anniversary. VVYM Members. Sri K. Lakshminarayana, Sri E.Govinda Raju,Sri
Ch.Appanna,Chy V.Yeswanth and Chy O.Bhargav Sai done the volunteer work covering
around 17 colleges. RK Mission gave special prizes and to the volunteers